January 29, 2010

quick update

I'm back from my ski trip to Colorado and I'm still in one piece. I'm eager to get back to finishing up Alice but I recently I've been flowing with ideas for my graphic novel. So I'm taking a few days to do some research and writing and character doodles. Alice is taking a quick breather but I'm hoping to get some work done on her this weekend and if not 100% getting stuff done next week.

2/5 update: earlier this week I managed to get myself some tennis elbow sans the tennis part. I think I got it from a plethora of jui jitsu classes, so.... jui jitsu elbow? Either way for a few days it was kinda difficult to hold a pencil for a prolonged period of time. So this has hindered my drawing progress to say the least. But today it feels pretty ok and I'm hoping by tomorrow I can get some work done. Weird injury, I don't recommend it.

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