May 4, 2009

upcoming projects

I'm currently working on a couple of projects at once.  The first is a baseball drawing, i may do a few of these to really drive home my obsession with the Yankees.  The first is moving along pretty quickly.  CC Sabathia is up first, then probably Jeter and we'll see where I go from there.  Joba? Swisher? Burnett? Tex? Arod? the possibilities are endless.

The second project is something I started a while ago, got frustrated with and put on the back burner until recently.  Its a very large vertical piece featuring all the characters from Alice's Adventures in Wonderland.  I hit a few road blocks when i first started the piece but i recently came to some solutions and I'm eager to finish it up.  I think it could be my best work to date. 

Here is a couple little tastes to wet your appetite.  These are unused versions of the White Rabbit and Cheshire Cat.  I drew these up but realized I needed to switched them around to fit the piece better.  The rabbit is pretty similar just in a different pose, the cat however is going to be way different aka it wont suck as bad as that one does.

I really want to dive into these piece but as of tomorrow I'm hoping in a mid 90s Saturn and driving cross country for a few weeks.  I plan to sketch a lot on the trip and when I come back I'm going to dive right back into all these projects and post a lot of road trip drawings as well.

In the mean time be sure to check out the new art blog I'm contributing to Peculiar Bliss.  I've posted a few new doodles over there, and plan to keep pace with all the other great artist who post there as well.   enjoy.   

currently reading: "Solanin" by Asano Inio
currently listening to: Kevin Devine- "Brother's Blood"

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