I kinda took the summer off from producing work and spent most of my time thumb nailing ideas, creating concepts and began working out a few graphic novel and children's book ideas. Then I had some router issues, a scanner dilemma, an agent fiasco, a fruitless job hunt and hundreds of other things that really shouldn't have distracted me but alas... I'm back now.
Over the next couple days I'm going to just throw a few things at you from some of the different avenues I've been exploring.
First up, this is the main character for a children's book I'm in the early early stages of. Basically, I have the best title ever and a few character designs. Not really what you'd call a book just yet, but it will be.
This is Ellie.
She is a straight up caricature of mine and my girlfriend's crazy little lady. She will be getting into some sort of adventure or trouble... or ... other story idea.
I was originally going to use this character (or one similar) for one of my graphic novels, I still may I'm not 100% sure which story is which just yet. I started with a longer form comic idea and then a children's book idea popped into my head and I've been ironing things out ever since. There's a lot of back in forth in my head. I think the beagle graphic novel still needs to be told... but i think it'll have to be a little less cute.
Just to give you a quick walk through of my thought process...ahem... graphic novel about a dog, a dog in a forest, hundreds of other character ideas, no plot, some semblance of a plot, a shadow monster, OH great children's book idea about two dogs, do that instead, no plot, thoughts about what a children's book should be, what's the message?, what's the lesson?, back to thinking about the graphic novel, kinda got a great idea working its way out, then out of left field... what if i change the dog to a person, still in a forest, there are creatures with no eyes, and all sorts of religious allegory... and so on. Basically I have three crazy stories from one idea and i cant keep it all straight. ugh.
Oh well, until I sort out some of this insanity I'd like you to meet the real Ellie.

currently reading: "Preacher" by Garth Ennis and Steve Dillon
currently listening to: Brand New- "Daisy"