November 30, 2009

The Bell House part 3

Here is the final piece. I like painting leaves, can you tell? I had fun working on it, but I dont foresee doing another house portrait any time soon.

The color is a bit off and its not totally in focus because I'm dumb and forgot to scan the finish before I gifted it out. This is a quick picture I shot of it with some minor photoshopping. I think it does it justice though.

Until next time folks... happy a few days after Thanksgiving.

currently reading: "Purgatorio" by Marcus Sanders & Sandow Birk
currently listening to: Robbers- "Flesh"

November 25, 2009

The Bell House part 2

Here is the work in progress. I laid in all the flat colors except for the tree trunks, I kinda ran out of brown paint at the moment.

Details still to come in; the grass, window shades, chimney, roof, shingles, tree bark and lots and lots of leaves.

currently reading: "Thor" by JMS and Oliver Coipel
currently listening to: John Nolan- "Height"

November 23, 2009

The Bell House part 1

A while back I was asked by a family member to do the obligatory "hey you're an artist can you draw me a picture of my house?" thing. I kinda put it off for WAY too long, but i figured I'd crank it out this week and surprise my aunt with her masterpiece at thanksgiving.

I drew up a sketch of the house, simplified it to contours and then i transferred it to this great handmade paper.

I know that at the moment it doesn't look like much but I promise once I put my brush to the paper it'll liven up quite a bit.

Monday or Tuesday I'll be posting the image with all the flat color laid in and after that I'll take the next few days to add in the details and I'll share the final with you then.

currently reading: "Inferno" by Marcus Sanders and Sandow Birk
currently listening to: Manchester Orchestra- "Mean Everything to Nothing"